The main volume slider no longer reverts to its previous value if it is adjusted and then the background of the Channel Strips Area is clicked.Resolves an issue in which saving a concert may cause the Output 1-2 channel strip to split into two mono channel strips with their gain set to the minimum value.Aux busses no longer sometimes appear to be missing after copying a patch and then deleting the copy.

Values for bypassed sends that are not mapped to a control are now reliably maintained when loading a saved concert.Resolves an issue that stopped the Up/Down arrow keys from navigating plug-in insert slots on channel strips.The Channel Strips Area now reliably displays channel strips when selecting patches.

Fixes an issue where MainStage could close unexpectedly when using Undo after pasting a channel strip as alias and then performing Convert Alias to Original.Resolves an issue where MainStage could close unexpectedly when stepping through patches.Stompboxes from the Pedalboard plug-in may now be inserted as individual plug-ins.